Powerapps QR Code Generator Component

A Powerapps QR code generator component for canvas apps

SKU: 20217 Category:


The QR code generator component is meant to be used in a canvas app. The code is generated on the basis of a Code / text / ID which is supplied by the app.

The Generation mechanism is controlled by the Visible property of the component and the printing mechanism can be adjusted using either the Print() command(To be set up in the app) or Downloading the QR Code by clicking on the download button supplied with the component.

Feel free to contact us for more details

  • Responsive to tablet, phone ,web layout
  • Fully customizable
  • Requires no premium connectors

  • Responsive to landscape and portrait layouts
  • Visibility of the QR Code canbe set using the visible property hence it is not dealt with within the component

Printing a QR code for Inventory tagging

Tagging QR codes in Fixed Assets

and much more

The test drive for this product will be coming soon.